Monday, November 5, 2007

ne gjurmet e Erjon Jupit alias Jupe(sic e therriste Lefteria)

jane pak te vakta por me mire se hic.
ne nje forum kishte shkruar keto fjali:

Posted by: Erjon Jupi
In Reply to: Minga in Quitman County, MS 1920s by Martha Dickerson
My name is Erjon and I am Albanian. Minga is an Albanian surname and my grandfather from my mother side is called Dhimitraq Minga who is from the Mingollaret e Ersekes, Albania. My mother maiden name is Mira Minga and we are from Albania where all the Minga come from. I am serching from my grand grand father who migrated to Philadelphia PA at the end of the eighteenth century.Who has any information help/

nuk dihet nga ishte origjina e Erjon Jupit(tomi ti duhet te me ndihmosh patjeter,se kam besim se e di)Pasi i kishe qejf keto temat e prejardhjes,etj.Mamaja e Jupes sikur ishte aktore ne teatrin e kukullave apo e kam gabim?
Ne paragrafin e mesiperm nuk kuptohet mire nese Jupe eshte ne USA apo ku ...
Orges ca mendimi ke?


1 comment:

GjR. said...

Po Lefteria nuk thoshte asnjë emër tamam si përfundim ?